How to Insert Rows and Columns in Excel Example

Creating new tables, reports and pricelists of different types, we cannot predict the number of necessary rows and columns. Using Excel program implies to a great extent creating and setting up spreadsheets, which requires inserting and deleting different elements.

First, let’s consider the methods of inserting sheet rows and columns when creating spreadsheets.

Note that in this tutorial we indicate hot keys for adding or deleting rows and columns. They should be used after highlighting the whole row or column. To highlight the row where the cursor is placed, press the combination of hot keys: SHIFT+SPACEBAR. Hot keys for highlighting a column are CTRL+SPACEBAR.

How to insert a column between other columns?

Assuming you have a pricelist lacking line item numbering:


To insert a column between other columns for filling in pricelist items numbering you can use one of the two ways:

  1. Move the cursor to activate A1 cell. Then go to tab «HOME», tool section «Cells» and click «Insert», in the popup menu select «Insert Sheet Columns» option.
  2. Insert Sheet Columns.
  3. Right-click the heading of column A. Select «Insert» option on the shortcut menu.
  4. Right-click.
  5. Select the column, and press the hotkey combination CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS.

Now you can type the numbers of pricelist line items.

Simultaneous insertion of several columns

The pricelist still lacks two columns: quantity and units (items, kilograms, liters, packs). To add simultaneously, highlight the two-cell range (C1:D1). Then use the same tool on the «Insert»-«Insert Sheet Columns» main tab.


Alternatively, highlight two headings of columns C and D, right-click and select «Insert» option.

right-click and select.

Note. Columns are always added to the left side. There appear as many new columns as many old ones have been highlighted. The order of inserted also depends on the order of highlighting. For example, next but one etc.

How to insert a row between rows in Excel?

Now let’s add a heading and a new goods line item «All for the garden» to the pricelist. To this end, let’s insert two new rows simultaneously.

Highlight the nonadjacent range of two cells A1,A4 (note that character “,” is used instead of character “:” – it means that two nonadjacent ranges should be highlighted; to make sure, type A1; A4 in the name field and press Enter). You know from the previous tutorials how to highlight nonadjacent ranges.

Now once again use the tool «HOME»-«Insert»-«Insert Sheet Columns». The picture shows how to insert a blank row between other rows in Excel.

insert a blank.

It is easy to guess the second way. You need to highlight headings of rows 1 and 3, right-click on one of the highlighted rows and select «Insert» option.

To add a row or a column in Excel use hot keys CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS having highlighted the appropriate row or column.

Note. New rows are always added above the highlighted rows.

Deleting rows and columns

When working with Excel you need to delete rows and columns as often as to insert them. Therefore, you have to practice.

By way of illustration, let’s delete from our pricelist the numbering of goods line items and the unit column simultaneously.

Highlight the nonadjacent range of cells A1; D1 and select «HOME»-«Delete»-«Delete Sheet Rows». The shortcut menu can also be used for deleting if you highlight headings A1 and D1 instead of cells.


Row deleting is performed in the similar way. You only need to select a tool in the appropriate menu. Applying a shortcut menu is the same. You only have to highlight the rows correspondingly by row numbers.

To delete a row or a column in Excel, use hot keys CTRL+MINUS having preliminary highlighted them.

Note. Inserting new columns and rows is in fact substitution, as the number of rows (1 048 576) and columns (16 384) doesn’t change. The new just replace the old ones. You should consider this fact when filling in the sheet with data by more than 50% - 80%.

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