Formula examples using the functions OR AND IF in Excel
Logical functions are designed to test one or several conditions, and perform the actions prescribed for each of the two possible results. Such results can only be logical TRUE or FALSE.
Excel contains several logical functions such as IF, IFERROR, SUMIF, AND, OR, and others. The last two are not used in practice, as a rule, because the result of their calculations may be one of only two possible options (TRUE, FALSE). When combined with the IF function, they are able to significantly expand its functionality.
Examples of using formulas with IF, AND, OR functions in Excel
Example 1. When calculating the cost of the amount of consumed kW of electricity for subscribers, the following conditions are taken into account:
- If less than 3 people live in the apartment or less than 100 kW of electricity was consumed per month, the rate per 1 kW is 4.35$.
- In other cases, the rate for 1 kW is 5.25$.
Calculate the amount payable per month for several subscribers.
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Perform the calculation according to the formula:
Argument Description:
- OR (B3<=2,C3<100) is a logical expression that verifies two conditions: do less than 3 people live in the apartment or does the total amount of energy consumed less than 100 kW? The result of the test will be TRUE if either of these two conditions is true;
- C3 * 4.35 - the amount to be paid, if the OR function returns TRUE;
- C3 * 5.25 is the amount to be paid if OR returns FALSE.
We stretch the formula for the remaining cells using the autocomplete function. The result of the calculation for each subscriber:

Using the AND function in the formula in the first argument in the IF function, we check the conformity of the values by two conditions at once.
Formula with IF and AVERAGE functions for selecting of values by conditions
Example 2. Applicants entering the university for the specialty "mechanical engineer" are required to pass 3 exams in mathematics, physics and English. The maximum score for each exam is 100. The average passing score for 3 exams is 75, while the minimum score in physics must be at least 70 points, and in mathematics it is 80. Determine applicants who have successfully passed the exams.
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To determine the enrolled students use the formula:
Argument Description:
- AND(B4>=80,C4>=70,AVERAGE(B4:D4)>=75) - checked logical expressions according to the condition of the problem;
- "Enroll" - the result, if the function AND returned the value TRUE (all expressions represented as its arguments, as a result of the calculations returned the value TRUE);
- "Not Enroll" - the result if AND returned FALSE.
Using the autocomplete function (double-click on the cursor marker in the lower right corner), we get the rest of the results:

Formula with logical functions AND IF OR in excel
Example 3. Subsidies in the amount of 30% are charged to families with an average income below 8,000$, which are large or there is no main breadwinner. If the number of children is over 5, the amount of the subsidy is 50%. Determine who should receive subsidies and who should not.
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To check the criteria according to the condition of the problem, we write the formula:
Argument Description:
- AND(B3<8000,OR(C3=TRUE,E3=FALSE)) is the checked expression according to the condition of the problem. In this case, the AND function returns the TRUE value, if B3 <8000 is true and at least one of the expressions passed as arguments to the OR function also returns the TRUE value.
- The nested IF function performs a check on the number of children in the family, which rely on subsidies.
- If the main condition returned the result is FALSE, the main function IF returns the text string “no”.
Perform the calculation for the first family and stretch the formula to the remaining cells using the autocomplete function. Results:

Features of using logical functions IF, AND, OR in Excel
The IF function has the following syntax notation:
=IF(Logical_test,[ Value_if_True ],[ Value_if_False])
As you can see, by default, you can check only one condition, for example, is e3 more than 20? Using the IF function, this check can be done as follows:
As a result, the text string “more” will be returned. If we need to find out if any value belongs to the specified interval, we will need to compare this value with the upper and lower limits of the intervals, respectively. For example, is the result of calculating e3 in the range from 20 to 25? When using the IF function alone, you must enter the following entry:
=IF(EXP(3)>20,IF(EXP(3)<25,"belongs","does not belong"),"does not belong")
We have a nested function IF as one of the possible results of the implementation of the main function IF, and therefore the syntax looks somewhat cumbersome. If you also need to know, for example, whether the square root e3 is equal to a numeric value from a fractional number range from 4 to 5, the final formula will look cumbersome and unreadable.
It is much easier to use as a condition a complex expression that can be written using AND and OR functions. For example, the above function can be rewritten as follows:
=IF(AND(EXP(3)>20,EXP(3)<25),"belongs","does not belong")
The result of the execution of the AND expression (EXP(3)>20,EXP(3)<25) can be a logical value TRUE only if the result of checking each of the specified conditions is a logical value TRUE. In other words, the function AND allows you to test one, two or more hypotheses on their truth, and returns the result FALSE if at least one of them is incorrect.
Sometimes you want to know if at least one assumption is true. In this case, it is convenient to use the OR function, which performs the check of one or several logical expressions and returns a logical TRUE, if the result of the calculations of at least one of them is a logical TRUE. For example, you want to know if e3 is an integer or a number that is less than 100? To test this condition, you can use the following formula:
The “<>” means inequality, that is, more or less than some value. In this case, both expressions return the value TRUE, and the result of the execution of the IF function is the text string "true." However, if an OR test was performed (MOD(EXP (3),1)<>0,EXP(3)<20, while EXP(3) <20 will return FALSE, the result of the calculation of the IF function will not change, since MOD(EXP(3),1) <> 0 returns TRUE.
Download examples using the functions OR AND IF in Excel
In practice, often used bundles IF + AND, IF + OR, or all three functions at once. Consider examples of similar use of these functions.