Sorting of data in Excel by standard and custom criteria

Working with data management tools in Excel. Application of custom conditions and settings at filtering and sorting.

Tools for filtering and sorting tables

sorting-data-using-formulasSorting the data in Excel in rows and columns using formulas.
How to sort values in several columns or rows, by cell color, in random order, automatically? Sorting is a convenient tool for implementing many tasks.
advanced-filter-exampleAdvanced filter in Excel and examples of its features.
Advanced filter is much richer in functionality than auto filter. With it you can set several conditions at once, apply formulas. Algorithm for setting up and using the tool.
delete-empty-rows-in-excelHow to delete empty rows in Excel quickly.
How to delete empty, repeating and hidden rows in tables. We solve the problem only by means of the built-in functional of the office program in automatic or semi-automatic mode.
advanced-filter-in-excelAdvanced filter in Excel using filtration of data.
Examples of using advanced filter capabilities. Selection of data by several parameters and using formulas. Filtering values by rows using non-standard methods.
possibilities-sorting-in-excelPossibilities of sorting data in Excel by the list.
To organize the information in the tables, the data is sorted in Excel. The built-in analysis tools can be sorted in ascending and descending order, alphabetically, date and any hierarchies.

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