Function and formulas in Excel with examples

Description of the functions in Excel with pictures and examples of their application in practice.

Functions for efficient settlement

getpivotdata-for-working-with-pivot-tablesGETPIVOTDATA for working with pivot tables in Excel.
Examples of using the GETPIVOTDATA function on dynamic charts controlled by pivot tables and data slices. Download a visualization template using the capabilities of the GETPIVOTDATA function.
how-sumproduct-works-with-conditionHow SUMPRODUCT function works with a condition in Excel.
Presentation of the capabilities of the SUMPRODUCT function with multiple criteria conditions. For example, summing subtotals by a criterion condition.
how-to-use-rand-and-randbetween-functionsExample of how to use RAND and RANDBETWEEN functions in Excel.
Random number generators in Excel with examples of practical use. How and where to use the RANDBETWEEN and RAND functions to generate a random number?
example-sumifs-with-dates-many-conditionsDownload example SUMIFS with dates many conditions in Excel.
A template with examples of how to effectively use the broad capabilities of the SUMMESLYMN function under different conditions. How to use the function if there are many conditions with dates?
sumif-use-function-download-for-examplesAssigning of SUMIF use function in Excel download for examples.
Practical work of the SUMIF function with several conditions. Examples and ready-made test solutions with formulas for the functions SUMIF, SUMPRODUCT and VLOOKUP.
step-by-step-instruction-of-function-lookupStep-by-step instruction of function LOOKUP in Excel examples.
Practical examples of using the LOOKUP function to find values in a table column. Finds the last filled cell in the row of each data range.
download-examples-of-using-find-functionDownload examples of using the FIND function in Excel.
Practical examples of the FIND function with pictures, a description and a file of ready-made solutions. Formulas for using the FIND function to find values in columns of tables.
examples-of-using-search-functionExamples of using the SEARCH function download in Excel.
Formulas using the SEARCH function to find values in the columns of a table. Sample formulas in pictures with a description and source file of ready-made solutions.
assigning-function-sum-exampleAssigning the mathematical function SUM in Excel example.
Practical work in Excel on SUM functions download examples with pictures and descriptions. How to make the most of all formula functions to automatically sum cells?
download-examples-logical-functions-and-orHow to use logical functions AND OR in Excel formulas.
How to work with the formula of logical functions AND OR IF to automate the analysis of table data. Examples in pictures and with a detailed description of a sample file of tables or formulas.
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