Most interesting features for working in Excel
Collection of interesting features with practical examples, pictures, detailed description of the syntax and parameters.Syntax and Function Parameters

Examples of how the MATCH function works to find the exact and nearest larger or smaller value in a range of cells. How to compare for the coincidence of values of two tables?

Separate text into parts and cells for guests using the MID function. How to cut part of the text and paste it into a separate column cell?

Examples of the operation of the logical function of SUMIF in the summation of cells only with the redistributed value by the condition. How to selectively summarize values in a range of cells?

Examples of how the COUNTIF function works for counting the number of cells with values provided in a statistical analysis or in solving such problems.

Examples of using the ADDRESS function when getting addresses of links to cells or whole ranges of cells located in the sheet area. How to get a cell address relative to the sheet?

Examples of the work of the AVERAGE and AVERAGEA functions, as well as an overview of their features and differences among themselves. Which category is the AVERAGE and AVERAGEA function?

Examples of logical functions IF, AND, OR in the formulas for the sample values provided. How to use the functions AND OR IF in the formula?

Practically analyzes of enterprises with examples of using the functions of forecasting probabilities and correlations: FISHER, CORREL, TINV, NORMSINV, FISHERINV, and FINV.

Examples of formulas for counting the number of working days between dates. How to calculate the difference in working days using the functions WORKDAY and WORKDAY.INTL.

How to calculate repeating and non-repeating values using the FREQUENCY function? How to determine the probability level of the frequency of the falling numbers?