Management by the formats of cells for a quality reflection from values
Editing and registration of spreadsheets for presentation presentation of data. New possibilities of formatting of cells.Registration of tables by means of formats of cells

Effective applications of the combination of conditional formatting and the drop-down list to retrieve data groups from the table by condition. How to quickly make to the simple sampling of identical cells?

How to convert to a text into a number using the Error menu, the simplest mathematical operations, special insertion, the tool Text on columns and macros.

Configure the visibility of data by hiding rows and columns. Document formatting for easy viewing and preparing of the printing. There is displaying of hidden data in the rows and the columns.

You can transpose the table via the TRANSPOSE function with using the special insert and creating the PivotTable. All methods are different from each other functionally and effectively.

There are automatic assignment of the currency format with different currency for the entire column on the condition and the highlighting of duplicate cells with color with the same value.

The searching of the duplicate cells values in the whole table or in the single column. How we can automatically to find the duplicates date and to highlight them with color in the large control list?

Comparison of two lists in a single sheet on the coincidence of data. Color highlighting of missing values in two similar tables by content.

Conditional formatting serves to visualize information on a user-defined rule. How to use and in which cases it is rational to apply this effective tool.

Copying tables while preserving column width, row height, cell formats and data types. Examples of effective use of a special insert. The fastest way to qualitatively copy a large and complex table.

An overview of the different ways to replace a point with a comma suitable for certain conditions and tasks. Eliminate the problems associated with a dot in place of a comma in fractional numbers.