Preparing to generate presentable reports in Excel

Rules for working with report documents in Excel. Possibility of formulas and analytical tools for compiling summary information. Learn essential techniques and best practices to organize, analyze, and visualize data effectively. Elevate your Excel skills to create professional and impactful reports that convey insights seamlessly.

Formulas for generating presentable reports

calculation-credit-in-excelCalculation of credit in Excel and the formula of monthly payments.
How to calculate loan payments: the formula for the annuity and differentiated method, interest and balance, overpayment and the full value of the loan. EIR new formula.
calculation-kpi-in-excelThere is calculation of KPI in the Excel: examples and formulas.
KPI key performance indicators assess the result of the work performed. On the basis of the indices are often constructed compensation system. Formulas example of a table and KPI matrix.
abc-xyz-analysis-in-excelABC and XYZ analysis in Excel with example of calculation.
ABC analysis and possible technique, the conditions for use. Example analysis of the product portfolio of the table processor means. XYZ-analysis method.
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