Ready-made free report models for data analysis in Excel

Examples of generating analytical reports in spreadsheets using special tools for calculating and presenting results.

Analytical Report Models Download

sensitivity-analysis-projectSensitivity analysis of the investment project download in Excel.
The method of analyzing the sensitivity of the investment project is to assess the impact of changes in input data on the final characteristics of the project. The finished analysis can be downloaded in the sample file.
time-series-analysisTime series analysis and forecasting in Excel with examples.
Time series: analysis and forecasting of values. Tool Analysis package offers the user methods of statistical processing of time series elements. Examples of analysis and forecasting of time series.
roe-in-excelReturn On Equity – ROE in Excel.
Coefficient of turnover of own financial resources: the formula for the balance sheet, the normative value, the dynamics of the parameter on the graph. The reasons for the increase, decrease and normative values of the coefficient.
assets-equity-ratioCurrent assets to equity ratio in Excel.
The essence and normative value of the coefficient of maneuverability of equity. Formula by balance, example of calculation. Dynamics of the indicator on the graph, evaluation of the results.
using-pest-analysis-exampleMacro analysis using pest analysis in Excel with example.
The essence and purpose of PEST-analysis of the enterprise. Determination of external factors affecting sales and profits. Example of the application of a marketing tool in Excel (shop research).
transport-task-in-excelTransport task in Excel with example and description.
The order of the solution of the transport task: the instruction for the closed and open type. Selection of optimal values using the tool for finding solutions.
calculation-moving-averageCalculation of the moving average in Excel and forecasting.
For calculation, the AVERAGE function and the Moving Average of the Data Analysis Package add-in are used. Procedure for using the program's capabilities and making forecasts.
capital-ratio-for-inventoriesWorking capital ratio for inventories availability.
The factor of supply of reserves and expenses by own means shows the degree of coverage of material stocks by own sources of financing.
factor-variance-analysisFactor and variance analysis in Excel with automated calculations.
Factor and variance analysis is easily carried out using the Data Analysis tool. For visual attention concentration on significant parameters, a diagram is added.
bcg-matrix-exampleBCG Matrix: construction and analysis in Excel with example.
The BCG matrix is an excellent tool for portfolio analysis. Consider the example in Excel, the construction of the matrix, the identification with its help of promising and unpromising goods.
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