How to Automate Workflows Using Excel Formulas in Tables

How can you significantly simplify office work? Here are simple ideas for solving complex tasks in MS Excel. By using these formulas, you can learn to automate 90% of routine spreadsheet tasks. Mastering formulas in Excel not only saves time but also enhances accuracy and productivity. From basic operations like summing and averaging data to more advanced functions like VLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH, and conditional formatting, Excel offers powerful tools to streamline tasks.

Excel Formulas for Large Table Data Calculations

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How to remove division by zero error in table cells? The formula for dividing zero by a number and vice versa returns the desired value for the user.

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Mastering Percentage Calculations in Excel: Adding, Subtracting, and Boosting Sales Strategies. How to Add and Subtract Percentages for sales forecasting.

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Optimizing Financial Insights: Mastering Excel Formulas for Dynamic Asset Summation. Useful lifehack for the SUM function in Excel data visualization.

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Static and dynamic formulas for calculating and calculating percentage distribution from the total amount in Excel. How to divide the total amount into a share for each indicator?

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The choice of the correct formula for the accurate calculation of percentage deviations with negative numbers in the numerator or substitute. How to calculate the deviation in a percentage between a negative and positive number?

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Selecting values from a table using a formula combining the VLOOKUP and MATCH functions based on the input criteria of a user search query.

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Counting the number of cells with all types of errors and with certain types or error codes. Practical application of the logical function ERROR. Track errors in Excel by code.

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Dividing a text string into parts into separate cells using the text functions MID and FIND. Flexible formula for splitting strings into words and more.

how-to-find-value-by-column-and-rowHow to find a value in an Excel table by column and row.

Excel Tips: Learn how to search for values in columns and rows using month names as criteria. Unlock the power of HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP functions for efficient data analysis.

vlookup-advanced-formula-with-multiple-conditionsVLOOKUP advanced formula with multiple conditions in Excel.

How to perform a simultaneous search across several different tables or non-adjacent ranges of cells on different sheets. Formula for simultaneous use of several VLOOKUP functions.

get-second-duplicate-minimum-or-maximum-valueGet the second duplicate minimum or maximum value in Excel.

Example formulas to get the first, second smallest, or first largest value among duplicate numbers in a table. Download examples with formula templates.

how-to-use-indirect-formula-for-dynamic-linkingHow to use INDIRECT function for dynamic linking in Excel.

An example of using dynamic links on another sheet. Advantages of using INDIRECT function for dynamic linking in Excel. Practical application of the CONCATENATE functions.

how-to-create-case-insensitive-formula-for-searchHow to create a case-insensitive Excel formula for searchin.

An alternative formula for the VLOOKUP, MATCH, and LOOKUP search functions that observes the upper and lower case characters depending on the original result.

how-to-get-last-value-in-columnHow to get the last value in a column in Excel.

How to continuously retrieve and display the last value of a populated column in the same cell. An example of combining the INDEX and COUNTA functions in one formula.

how-to-find-most-frequent-valueHow to find the most frequent value in a column in Excel.

Finding the most and least repeated values in the same column. A combination of formulas using search and computation functions: MATCH, INDEX, MAX, MIN, and COUNTIF.

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Formulas for finding the maximum negative and minimum positive values in the same range of cells with different numbers.

how-to-find-matching-values-in-two-columnsHow to find matching values in two columns in Excel.

Bulk checking a table for a large number of values. COICH function for comparing values in two columns of different tables.

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A ready-made example of a formula for finding the closest value in the absence of an exact match with the original query. Practical use of the functions ABS, INDEX, SEARCH, MIN.

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Practical use of a name with a dynamically changing range in the SUBTOTAL function. A simple example of creating a customer database with interactive capabilities.

how-to-automatically-change-cell-rangeHow to automatically change cell ranges in Excel.

A practical example of creating and using automatically modified named ranges. Analysis and description of the parameters of the OFFSET and COUNT functions.

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