Download examples of financial models in Excel
A collection of ready-to-use effective solutions for parsing. Charts, formulas, and functions for parsing and difficult monetary calculations.Financial models

Download beautiful presentation for cash flow circulation analysis. How to make a combo chart in Excel from a composition of different types?

Simple principles of creating interactive charts with maps to present reports with data visualization. Free template download with an example.

Download a sample template for a new homemade Excel chart type with data visualization animations and interactive features for narrowly focused tasks.

Download a dashboard for comparative and correlation analysis of marketing and sales results. How do you friend marketing and sales with an Excel report?

Download dashboard for correlation analysis sales training course development data visualization in Excel. Interactive report presentation.

Download a data visualization example for financial sales analysis with extensive features: segmentation, filtering, sampling and value searching.

Dashboard with visualization of data about the weather and the physical condition of the user. A project of a fitness application for analyzing the correlation of weather and body condition indicators during physical exertion during training.

Download the weather and fitness calendar dashboard for analyzing correlations and adjusting values to improve workout efficiency. The impact of weather conditions on the body during physical exertion.

Download a dashboard for a gadget store. Sales report presentation template with data visualization to analyze the return on investment invested in the business.

Strategic Gap Analysis in Financial Performance Statistics. Interactive data visualization with design elements for practical applications.