Download beautiful data visualization templates in Excel

Presentation-style report templates with dynamic metrics graphs. Download data visualization for spreadsheets. Lessons on creating presentations in Excel.

Collection of visualizations for dashboards

easy-example-3d-pie-chart-than-100Easy example of 3D Pie chart with value than 100% in Excel.
How to show a value greater than 100% on a chart in Excel? Ideas and a list of financial indicators in relative values for practical application of a percentage chart.
comparison-chart-for-infographicsExcel Comparison Chart Template with Examples free download.
A simple example of a combination of charts to beautifully visualize a comparison of two values. Download template for Pareto's law presentation and risk management benchmarking.
associative-techniques-for-visualizingAssociative techniques for visualizing data sampling in Excel.
Download A simple example of mastering the techniques of associative techniques in infographics and data visualization. How to segment data by time period: day, week, month?
dashboard-diversification-and-test-businessDashboard for diversification analysis and test of business niches in Excel.
A tool for visualizing the results of testing new niches for creating a business. Dashboard for analyzing the effectiveness of diversifying an investment portfolio download in Excel.
medical-dashboard-for-analysis-in-excelMedical Dashboard for analysis of patient history in Excel.
Download a medical dashboard for free to visualize patient history and health status data. Visual analysis of basic human health indicators in Excel.
comparative-analysis-sales-by-day-of-weekComparative analysis of sales by day of the week in Excel.
Download a dashboard for comparative analysis of sales with distribution by day of the week. Data visualization with animation in report presentation.
beautiful-interactive-infographics5 beautiful ideas for creating interactive infographics Excel.
Ideas for creating beautiful, interactive infographics right in your presentations. Graphic resources, components for building groups of shapes and ready-made cliparts free download.
business-intelligence-dashboardBusiness Intelligence Dashboard for manager and sales in Excel.
A useful dashboard for building beautiful, presentable reports with interactive features. The role of emotional and other business intelligence in the performance of trade managers.
dashboard-for-analyzing-sales-rankingDashboard for analyzing sales ranking factors in Excel.
Download a ready-made example of a dashboard template for quickly creating beautiful presentations of reports and analyzes with data visualization. How to quickly make beautiful infographics from ready-made cliparts?
beautiful-chart-for-presentationBeautiful chart for presentation of reports in Excel.
A beautiful presentation template with an interactive diagram. How to make a beautiful report with visualization of financial planning data for the second half of the year?
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